Community Resources
We compiled this list of community resources for families and their keiki.
Just click on the links and see if they are the right fit for you!
Connect with these resources!
A list of specific resources for everything from childcare to special needs .
Counseling Services
Resource for mental and behavioral issues. Myfs.org
Usually in charge of family visits, great resource for healing, trauma, counseling, education and more. Childandfamilyservice.org
“Assist children and their families overcome developmental learning challenges in their most critical formative years”. Imuafamilyservices.org
Basic info for resource caregivers with keiki that have learning challenges and need a little extra help at school! Understood.org
Keiki Clothing Exchange
Submit a request for a free incredible coveted baby swing.
Ohana mediators for meetings with bio parents and case workers. Epicohana.org
For youth in and aged out of foster great (great resource!!)
Fantastic community resource for great family events and help. Hopechapelmaui.com
Check with your local pool for sign up dates and times. Mauicounty.gov
Discounts offered for foster kids membership, camps and classes. Mauiymca.org
Free surf days for foster kids
Kingdom Riders. Kiheisurfclasses.com
Sports camps and trainings throughout the year to help develop physical and mental skills for all ages, scholarships available for foster kids and low income.
Free 4 day yearly camp for kids who have an incarcerated parent. Camppilialohaomaui.com
Free 5 day summer camp for foster kids 6-12 yrs
Training & Support
Trust Based Parenting for Kids from Trauma
Support groups and trainings for resource caregivers
Partners in Development Foundation
Responsible for licensing new caregivers. Pidf.org
Surrogate Parent for IEP/504 Meetings
Helpful blog from fellow foster mom (also follow on instagram!) Fosterthefamilyblog.com
Encouraging resource built by fellow foster mom with really good podcast that we love! Theforgotteninitiative.org
Great fellow foster dad with insightful blog writings and books . Jasonjohnsonblog.com
Financial help for any needs that arise in the community. Hopechapelmaui.com
Submit wishes for foster kids (even aged out!) up to $500 value! Onesimplewish.org
For just $5.99/month for anyone with EBT or Medicaid Card. Amazon.com
Student Loan Forgiveness Programs
Support for Foster Parents (Resource Caregivers)
Looking for a resource we haven't listed?
Please contact with us so we can connect you to
the resources you need!
We can't wait to connect with you!